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 Popular American - 流行美语

181 can of worms; cut one's losses
182 grease monkey; fender bender
183 learn the ropes; put a lid on it
184 rattle on; third degree
185 bottom feeder; bounce
186 freak out; wig out
187 let off steam; oops
188 shrink; gross out
189 bad vibe; wake up call
190 whoa; booboo
191 cushy; legit
192 shindig; a steal
193 make a u-ey; step on it
194 diddlysquat; rub it in
195 runaround; take a chill pill
196 kiss sth. goodbye; lose one's cool
197 make a big stink; to be creamed
198 eager beaver; grunt work
199 baloney; party animal
200 holed up; come up for air

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