<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> VOA Special English Essential Word Book
VOA Special English Essential Word Book


  ■ 字母 W - 共 70 个
1wagesn.money received for work done
2waitv.to delay acting; to postpone
3walkv.to move by putting one foot in front of the other
4walln.the side of a room or building formed by wood, stone or other material; a structure sometimes used to separate areas of land
5wantv.to desire; to wish for; to need
6warn.fighting between nations, or groups in a nation, using weapons
7warmad.almost hot; having or feeling some heat
8warnv.to tell of possible danger; to advise or inform about something bad that may happen
9washv.to make clean, usually with water
10wastev.to spend or use without need or care; to make bad use of; n. a spending of money, time or effort with no value gained or returned; something thrown away as having no value; the liquid and solid substances that result from body processes and are passed out of the body
11watchv.to look at; to observe closely; to look and wait for
12watern.the liquid that falls from the sky as rain or is found in lakes, rivers and oceans
13wavev.to move or cause to move one way and the other, as a flag in the wind; to signal by moving the hand one way and the other; n. a large mass of water that forms and moves on the surface of a lake or ocean
14wayn.a path on land or sea or in the air; how something is done; method
15wepro.two or more people, including the speaker or writer ("He and I will go together, and we will return together.")
16weakad.having little power; easily broken, damaged or destroyed; opposite strong
17wealthn.a large amount of possessions, money or other things of value
18weaponn.anything used to cause injury or to kill during an attack, fight or war
19wearv.to have on the body, as clothes
20weathern.the condition of the atmosphere resulting from sun, wind, rain, heat or cold
21Web siten.a collection of information prepared by a person or organization on the World Wide Web of the Internet
22weekn.a period of time equal to seven days
23weighv.to measure how heavy someone or something is
24welcomev.to express happiness or pleasure when someone arrives or something develops
25wellad.in a way that is good or pleasing; in good health; n. a hole in the ground where water, gas or oil can be found
26westn.the direction in which the sun goes down
27wetad.covered with water or other liquid; not dry
28whatpro.used to ask about something or to ask for information about something ("What is this?"); ad. which or which kind ("He wants to know what you would like to drink.")
29wheatn.a grain used to make bread; the plant that produces the grain
30wheeln.a round structure that turns around a center
31whenad.at what time; at any time ("When will she come home?"); conj. during or at the time ("I studied hard when I was in school.")
32wheread., conj. at, to or in what place ("Where is his house?" "The house where he lives is in the old part of the city.")
33whetherconj.if it be the case or fact that (“He did not know whether he was right or wrong.”)
34whichpro.used to ask about what one or what ones of a group of things or people ("Which program do you like best?" "Which students will take the test?")
35whilen.a space of time ("Please come to my house for a while."); conj. at or during the same time ("It may not be a good idea to eat while you are running.")
36whitead.having the color like that of milk or snow
37whopro.what or which person or persons that ("Who wants to go?"); the person or persons ("They are the ones who want to go.")
38wholead.the complete amount; all together; not divided; not cut into pieces
39whyad.for what cause or reason ("Why did she do it?"); conj. the reason for which ("I do not know why she did it.")
40widead.having a great distance from one side to the other; not limited
41wifen.a woman who is married
42wildad.living and growing in natural conditions and not organized or supervised by humans; angry; uncontrolled
43willv.a word used with action words to show future action ("They will hold talks tomorrow.")
44willingad.being ready or having a desire to ("They are willing to talk about the problem.")
45winv.to gain a victory; to defeat another or others in a competition, election or battle
46windn.a strong movement of air
47windown.an opening in a wall to let in light and air, usually filled with glass
48wintern.the coldest time of year, between autumn and spring
49wiren.a long, thin piece of metal used to hang objects or to carry electricity or electronic communications from one place to another
50wisead.having much knowledge and understanding; able to use knowledge and understanding to make good or correct decisions
51wishv.to want; to express a desire for
52withprep.along or by the side of; together; using ("He fixed it with a tool."); having ("the house with the red door")
53withdrawv.to take or move out, away or back; to remove
54withoutprep.with no; not having or using; free from; not doing
55witnessn.a person who saw and can tell about an action or event, sometimes in a court of law
56womann.an adult female human
57wonderv.to ask oneself; to question ("She wonders if it is true."); n. a feeling of surprise
58wonderfulad.causing wonder; especially good
59woodn.the solid material of which trees are made
60wordn.one or more connected sounds that form a single part of a language
61workv.to use physical or mental effort to make or do something; n. the effort used to make or to do something; that which needs effort; the job one does to earn money
62worldn.the earth; the people who live on the earth
63worryv.to be concerned; to continue thinking that something, possibly bad, can happen
64worsead.more bad than
65worthn.value measured in money
66woundv.to injure; to hurt; to cause physical damage to a person or animal; n. an injury to the body of a human or animal in which the skin is usually cut or broken
67wreckv.to damage greatly; to destroy; n. anything that has been badly damaged or broken
68wreckagen.what remains of something severely damaged or destroyed
69writev.to use an instrument to make words appear on a surface, such as paper
70wrongad.not correct; bad; not legal; opposite right

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