<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> VOA Special English Essential Word Book
VOA Special English Essential Word Book


  ■ 字母 E - 共 76 个
1eachad.every one by itself
2earlyad.at or near the beginning, especially the beginning of the day; opposite late
3earnv.to be paid in return for work done
4earthn.the planet we all live on; the ground or soil
5earthquaken.a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface
6easev.to reduce; to make less difficult
7eastn.the direction from which the sun rises
8easyad.not difficult; not hard to do
9eatv.to take food into the body through the mouth
10ecologyn.the scientific study of the environment and links among living and material things
11economyn.the system by which money, industry and trade are organized
12edgen.the line where something ends or begins
13educationn.the act of teaching
14effectn.the result or change caused by something ("The storm had a serious effect on the economy.")
15effortn.an attempt; the work necessary to do something
16eggn.the rounded object containing unborn young produced by female birds, fish or reptiles; a single cell in a female person or animal that can develop into a baby
17eitherad.one of two, but not the other
18electv.to choose by voting
19electricityn.a form of energy that flows through wires to provide heat and light, and power to machines
20embassyn.the offices of an ambassador and his or her assistants
21embryon.a human or animal in the earliest stages of its development
22emergencyn.an unexpected and dangerous situation demanding quick action
23emotionn.a strong feeling such as love, hate, fear or sadness
24employv.to give work in return for wages
25emptyad.having nothing inside; v. to remove everything
26endv.to stop; to finish; n. the part which comes last
27enemyn.a person opposing or hating another; a person or people of the other side in a war
28energyn.power used to do work, usually with machines; the ability and willingness to be active
29enforcev.to make something be done
30enginen.a machine that uses energy to cause movement or to do work
31engineern.a person who designs engines, machines, roads, bridges or railroads
32enjoyv.to be pleased or satisfied by something
33enoughad.as much as necessary; pro. the amount needed
34enterv.to come or go into
35environmentn.all surrounding things, conditions and influences that affect life; the natural world of land, sea, air, plants and animals
36equalad.the same in amount, size, weight or value; having the same rights
37equipmentn.things, tools or machines needed for a purpose or activity
38escapev.to get free; to get away from; to get out of
39especiallyad.more than others ("We liked the food, especially the fish.")
40establishv.to bring into existence; to create
41estimatev.to form an opinion about a value, size or amount using less than complete information
42ethnicad.of or concerning people belonging to a large group because of their race, religion, language, tribe or where their ancestors lived
43evaporatev.to change from a liquid into a gas
44evenad.in a way not thought possible ("They survived, even though the building was destroyed.")
45eventn.that which happens, especially something of importance
46everad.at any time
47everyad.each one; all
48evidencen.material or facts that prove something; a reason for believing
49evilad.not good; extremely bad
50exactad.having no mistakes; correct in every detail
51examinev.to study closely
52examplen.a part that shows what the rest of a thing or group is like
53excellentad.extremely good
54exceptprep.but for
55exchangev.to trade; to give or receive one thing for another
56excusev.to take away blame; to pardon; to forgive; n. a reason (sometimes false) for an action
57executev.to kill
58exercisen.an activity or effort for the purpose of improving the body or to stay in good health
59exilev.to force a person to leave his or her country; to expel; n. a person who is forced to leave his or her country
60existv.to be; to live
61expandv.to make larger; to grow larger
62expectv.to think or believe that something will happen; to wait for an event
63expelv.to force out; to remove from; to send away
64experiencev.to live through an event, situation or condition ("She experienced great pain."); n. something that one has done or lived through ("The experience caused her great pain.")
65experimentv.to test; n. a test or trial carried out to prove if an idea is true or false, or to discover something
66expertn.a person with special knowledge or training
67explainv.to give reasons for; to make clear; to tell about; to tell the meaning
68explodev.to break apart violently with a loud noise, like a bomb
69explorev.to travel in a place that is not well known to learn more about it; to make a careful search; to examine closely
70exportv.to send to another country; n. something sent to another country, usually for sale
71expressv.to say clearly
72extendv.to stretch out in area or length; to continue for a longer time
73extraad.more than normal, expected or necessary
74extraordinaryad.far greater or better than the usual or normal
75extremead.more than the usual or accepted
76extremistn.a person with strong religious or political beliefs who acts in an extreme or violent way

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