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wi216 open and aboveboard; on the up and up
wi215 on the level; kosher
wi214 in short order; get the short end of the stick
wi213 short and sweet; the long and short of it
wi212 over the long haul; long shot
wi211 stonewall; off the wall
wi210 climb the wall; drive sb. up the wall
wi209 wall-to-wall; wallflower
wi208 put your money where your mouth is
wi207 motor mouth; foot in mouth disease
wi206 take a walk; walk on eggshells
wi205 walk on air; walk the floor
wi204 bad-mouth; shoot sb.s mouth off
wi203 close the books; cook the books
wi202 one for the book; know sb. like a book
wi201 Sunday best; Sunday driver
wi200 honeymoon; moonlight
wi198 cut a deal; cut corners
wi197 the works; in the works

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