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wi356 hands down; hand over fist
wi355 the rubber chicken circuit
wi354 out of the frying pan into the fire
wi353 fit to a T; fit for a king
wi352 fit to be tied; fit and trim
wi351 number is up; do a number on sb
wi350 stick one's neck out; neck of the woods
wi349 break one's neck; wring one's neck
wi348 flesh out; pound of flesh
wi347 a bundle of nerves; nervous Nellie
wi346 get up the nerve; have a lot of nerve
wi345 take into account; have an account to settle
wi344 bring sb. to account
wi343 name-dropper; your name is mud
wi342 nail down; as hard as nails
wi341 the short end of the stick
wi340 end; living end
wi339 knockoff; knock sb. dead
wi338 knock around; knock off
wi337 shoot from the hip; shoot the breeze

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