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[流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael是一个在纽约上大学的美国年轻人,他经常跟中国学生李华一起玩。Michael向李华学中文,李华向 Michael 学英文。Michael 正在准备考试,有很多功课要做,但是李华要他出去休息休息,两人约好下午在动物园见面。他们在对话中会用这两个词:all-nighter和cram。
L: 嗨,Michael. 我在这儿!
M: Hey, Li Hua. Oh, the elephant house, let's go in and take a look.
L: 噢,那是大象馆啊? 好, 进去看看。 不行,不行,这儿太臭 了。走吧!
M: Oh, yeah. Let's get out of here. In fact, I've got a lot of studying to do. I'm going to need to pull an all-nighter.
L: 我知道你有很多功课,但是你在准备考试的时候也总得休息休息 嘛。我听说这次考试会很难。你刚才说 all-nighter 是不是开夜车 的意思呀?
M: Yeah, that's what I meant. Li Hua, you're smart!
L: 我是猜出来的, all的意思是整个,全部,nighter和 night 很像。我想一个人要整夜学习,那不就是开夜车吗?但是,有一点我不太懂,你说:to pull an all-nighter,什么是pull ?
M: Pull means to get yourself through a difficult time.
L: 噢, pull an all-nighter, 就是迫使自己整夜念书,因为要这样做是很辛苦的。
M: Yep. You wouldn't have to pull an all-nighter because you have been studying all semester, I haven't been.
L: 这你可说对了。我不需要开夜车,因为我整个一学期都在学习。 你要开夜车,因为你平时不学习。
M: I know, I know, you're a better student than I am.
L: Michael, 我真喜欢纽约的秋天, 空气很清新。你要是能跟我一起玩,不用回去念书,那该多好啊!
M: I don't want to go study either, but I should.
L: 对啊, 你 要是上星期多花点时间念书不就好了嘛。现在你得临时抱佛脚了。
M: I perform better on tests when I cram.
L: Cram? Cram是把什么东西塞进去的意思,跟学习有什么关系呢?
M: Well, it's sort of the same meaning. I'm going to do a lot of studying at the last minute, that's what it means to cram.
L: 意思差不多?噢,我知道了!Cram就是我们中文里说的填鸭式方法,就是硬把食品塞给鸭子吃,这样鸭子就长得肥。北京烤鸭 就是用这种鸭子做的。你说的cram 是临时抱佛脚,在考试前猛记猛背,把知识往脑子里塞。你还认为这是好办法?
M: Well, everyone's different. Cramming works for me.
L: 你认为临时抱佛脚对你来说行得通。可是,Michael,想把半学期的内容在一个晚上记住,这样做可真傻。
M: Stop being my mother, Li Hua!
L: 我才不想当你妈呢, 你不听我的话,那就算了。Michael, cram这个词是否还能用在别的场合呢?
M: Not really. It's only used to describe studying for a test, usually college or high-school level.
L: 噢,只能指大学生或中学生在考试前开夜车,临时抱佛脚。
M: And that's what I need to do, right now. It's getting late and I know I will have to pull an all-nighter.
L: 好吧,我明天早上给你打电话。
M: No, don't worry about me, I'm sure I will still be cramming.
L: 哟,你还准备开夜车开到天亮呐? Ok, well, good luck!
今天李华向Michael学了两个常用语,一个是:all-nighter, 意思是开夜车;另一个是:cram, 这是指中学生或大学生在考试前临时抱佛脚。 今天的[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次再见。
[流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael是一个在纽约上大学的美国年轻人,他经常跟中国学生李华一起玩。Michael向李华学中文,李华向 Michael 学英文。Michael 正在准备考试,有很多功课要做,但是李华要他出去休息休息,两人约好下午在动物园见面。他们在对话中会用这两个词:all-nighter和cram。
L: 嗨,Michael. 我在这儿!
M: Hey, Li Hua. Oh, the elephant house, let's go in and take a look.
L: 噢,那是大象馆啊? 好, 进去看看。 不行,不行,这儿太臭 了。走吧!
M: Oh, yeah. Let's get out of here. In fact, I've got a lot of studying to do. I'm going to need to pull an all-nighter.
L: 我知道你有很多功课,但是你在准备考试的时候也总得休息休息 嘛。我听说这次考试会很难。你刚才说 all-nighter 是不是开夜车 的意思呀?
M: Yeah, that's what I meant. Li Hua, you're smart!
L: 我是猜出来的, all的意思是整个,全部,nighter和 night 很像。我想一个人要整夜学习,那不就是开夜车吗?但是,有一点我不太懂,你说:to pull an all-nighter,什么是pull ?
M: Pull means to get yourself through a difficult time.
L: 噢, pull an all-nighter, 就是迫使自己整夜念书,因为要这样做是很辛苦的。
M: Yep. You wouldn't have to pull an all-nighter because you have been studying all semester, I haven't been.
L: 这你可说对了。我不需要开夜车,因为我整个一学期都在学习。 你要开夜车,因为你平时不学习。
M: I know, I know, you're a better student than I am.
L: Michael, 我真喜欢纽约的秋天, 空气很清新。你要是能跟我一起玩,不用回去念书,那该多好啊!
M: I don't want to go study either, but I should.
L: 对啊, 你 要是上星期多花点时间念书不就好了嘛。现在你得临时抱佛脚了。
M: I perform better on tests when I cram.
L: Cram? Cram是把什么东西塞进去的意思,跟学习有什么关系呢?
M: Well, it's sort of the same meaning. I'm going to do a lot of studying at the last minute, that's what it means to cram.
L: 意思差不多?噢,我知道了!Cram就是我们中文里说的填鸭式方法,就是硬把食品塞给鸭子吃,这样鸭子就长得肥。北京烤鸭 就是用这种鸭子做的。你说的cram 是临时抱佛脚,在考试前猛记猛背,把知识往脑子里塞。你还认为这是好办法?
M: Well, everyone's different. Cramming works for me.
L: 你认为临时抱佛脚对你来说行得通。可是,Michael,想把半学期的内容在一个晚上记住,这样做可真傻。
M: Stop being my mother, Li Hua!
L: 我才不想当你妈呢, 你不听我的话,那就算了。Michael, cram这个词是否还能用在别的场合呢?
M: Not really. It's only used to describe studying for a test, usually college or high-school level.
L: 噢,只能指大学生或中学生在考试前开夜车,临时抱佛脚。
M: And that's what I need to do, right now. It's getting late and I know I will have to pull an all-nighter.
L: 好吧,我明天早上给你打电话。
M: No, don't worry about me, I'm sure I will still be cramming.
L: 哟,你还准备开夜车开到天亮呐? Ok, well, good luck!
今天李华向Michael学了两个常用语,一个是:all-nighter, 意思是开夜车;另一个是:cram, 这是指中学生或大学生在考试前临时抱佛脚。 今天的[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次再见。