
A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家今天都要学什么?

A: 没问题! 今天,咱们要来一次徒步旅行,聊聊怎么对付苛刻的上司,还要告诉你怎么说辩解搪塞!

B: Hiking? That's my favorite outdoor activity! It's so relaxing and peaceful, and it's great to feel so close to the nature!

A: But aren't you afraid of all the bugs and wild animals in the woods? Bugs, mosquitos, spiders, snakes, BEARS?

B: Hahaha, 你真是个胆小鬼! for bugs, well, That's why we have bug repellant! as for bears, normally they won't come out when they see fire or lights.

A: Hmm,要是让我住五星级酒店,我就去! 哈哈,不过现在咱们还是言归正传 ,赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a word!

Learn A Word 1553 fulfilling

今天我们要学的词是 fulfilling. Fulfilling is spelled f-u-l-f-i-l-l-i-n-g, fulfilling. Fulfilling 令人满意的。I had the most fulfilling lunch. 我午饭吃得太满意了。The old couple had a long-lasting and fulfilling marriage. 这对老夫妇的婚姻长长久久,幸福美满。Volunteering at the soup kitchen was the most fulfilling experience for me. 对我来说,在食物救济站做义工,是收获最多的经历。有关专家说,Living within your means is the key to a fulfilling retirement. 要想有一个令人满意的退休生活,量入为出是关键。For anyone who likes kids, a career in teaching could prove to be a fulfilling career. 对喜欢孩子的人来说,教书可能会是个让他们满意的职业。好的今天我们学习的词是: fulfilling, fulfilling, fulfilling.

A: So Mike, you have been working for...about a month now, right? How do you like it here?

B: Oh my gosh, I really enjoy it! I get to use my Chinese, keep up to date with the current affairs,and I can use my research and acting skills, so it's very fulfilling!

A: That's great! You forgot to mention how much you like to work with me! Also I need to let you know, 今天晚上给你庆祝工作满月的happy hour我去不了了……

B: What? Why?

A: 哎呀,最近工作太忙了! 你看,等一下我还得写好几篇稿子,还得录节目,还得排练明天的演出....

B: Hold on, don't try to just explain this away with me! Do you have a date tonight, don't you?

A: Of course not! 我可不是重色轻友的人!

B: Hahaha, I'm just messing with you!

A: 嘿! 这人! 不过你刚才提到了个很好的词儿, explain away,咱们就来学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms #979

现在播送美国习惯用语第 979讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Dan Markus.

我记得一个月前,我们办公室来了一位新同事。但是最近一直没看见她。问了其他同事才知道,她被炒鱿鱼了! 原来是,她工作拖拉,而且还推辞说是因为自己患有维他命缺乏症。公司最终还是决定开除她。这也让我想到一句习惯用语,那就是:

M: Explain away. Explain is spelled e-x-p-l-a-i-n, explain; and away; a-w-a-y. Explain away.

Explain 是解释的意思,explain away 就是搪塞,辩解的意思。上面的例子里,我的同事显然试图用缺少维他命来为她的工作效率低下做辩解,In the end, that excuse couldn't EXPLAIN AWAY her inefficiency at work. 最终,她没法再为自己的低效率辩解。下面例子里,我们的职业顾问要给我们一些工作中的建议,让我们来听听看:

M: "Are you having trouble finding employment because of gaps in your resume? Rather than EXPLAINING AWAY why you were laid off or took time off, consider being honest. Let employers know why you lost your job or needed to stop working to raise a family or tend to a sick relative. Often a good reason will help you get hired again."


我觉得,大家一般都是害怕雇主不能理解他们的境遇,迫不得已,才编出各种故事来掩饰事实。与此相同的,如果你觉得工作太难或者有什么不懂的地方,不如诚实地告诉你的老板,Rather than explaining away why you didn't finish the work, you should just go ahead and let your boss know what you don't understand. 好了,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "Are you having trouble finding employment because of gaps in your resume? Rather than EXPLAINING AWAY why you were laid off or took time off, consider being honest. Let employers know why you lost your job or needed to stop working to raise a family or tend to a sick relative. Often a good reason will help you get hired again."

Explain away 解释,搪塞 。一般来说,父母最爱的都是自己的孩子,会对他们百般呵护。但是下面例子里的这位母亲却不是这,让我们来听听看:

M: "The daycare worker asked the mom how her child had gotten such a terrible bruise. She said he'd fallen out of bed. But that didn't EXPLAIN AWAY some of the other marks found on his body. When investigators determined he'd been beaten by his mother, she stopped trying to invent reasons for her son's injuries."

这段话是说: 幼儿园的工作人员问这位母亲为什么她的孩子身上有一块特别严重的淤青。她说,这是孩子从床上掉下来摔的。但这并没有解释清楚孩子身上的其他伤痕。调查人员最后得出结论,孩子是被妈妈打的,她这才停止为孩子的伤痕寻找借口。

据说全世界每天有数百万孩子受到父母或者监护人的殴打或者虐待。所以如果你听到了什么或者怀疑什么,千万要站出来质问。Be suspicious when someone's trying to EXPLAIN AWAY a cause of concern, you may be saving a life! 对一些试图辩解的人要特别小心,你可能将挽救一条生命! 好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "The daycare worker asked the mom how her child had gotten such a terrible bruise. She said he'd fallen out of bed. But that didn't EXPLAIN AWAY some of the other marks found on his body. When investigators determined he'd been beaten by his mother, she stopped trying to invent reasons for her son's injuries."

今天我们学习的习惯用语是explain away, 意思是“辩解,搪塞”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是Dan Markus。谢谢各位的收听。

B: So, 杨琳,I have an idea, we should go hiking today! Since our big boss isn't here, and our little boss is not here either, we don't have to explain anything away !

A : 嘘……你小声点! 还这么大言不惭地说,小心被听到了!
B: 哈哈! Oh...hiking, how much do I miss you?

A: 你还真的很喜欢徒步旅行呀! What do you like hiking that much?
B: I just love being in the woods and being close to the nature. It's very relaxing and peaceful, and you can escape from the pressure and stress from real life!
A: 我可害怕大虫子,大蛇和大黑熊! 正好,在今天的Go English里Daphne就和Roger聊起了徒步旅行,咱们一起去听听吧!

Hiking: Beginner



Professor: That's right, Winnie. Some people like hiking, but some like to stay indoors.

Daphne: Wow, what a beautiful day! I love being outdoors.

Roger: (Reluctantly) Yeah, I guess so.

Daphne: What's wrong, Roger? Don't you like being in nature?

Roger: Daphne, I grew up in the city. For me, being in nature is going to a city park.

唉,看来Roger就是那种不解风情的人! 这个在城市长大的 city boy居然说,他和nature--大自然最亲密的接触顶多是go to a city park - 上街心公园!

Professor: Right. What does Daphne think?

Daphne说,她喜欢being outdoors,做户外运动,Professor, outdoors的反义词就是indoors吧?

Professor: Yes. You can also say "inside" and "outside." They mean the same thing.

我明白了,indoors和inside都是“在室内”, outdoors和outside则是“在户外”。

Daphne: Oh Roger, stop complaining. Just look at all the great scenery!

Roger: How can I enjoy the scenery when it's so hot and the mosquitoes are biting me?

Daphne: Don't you think it's worth it to see all this beautiful nature?

Roger: The only thing I can think about right now is mosquitoes!

mosquitoes! 蚊子! Professor Bowman, 我不得不承认,蚊子的确让人讨厌! 我不在乎刮风下雨,或者太阳暴晒,可是如果有蚊子叮我,我还真受不了!

Professor: Why don't you just wear bug repellant?

"Bug repellant"? 驱虫剂?我用过,可是不管用。 对了, professor, 什么叫scenery?

Professor: Winnie, scenery, s-c-e-n-e-r-y, scenery, means the appearance of a place. Sometimes people also use the word "view". For example, "After I climbed the mountain, I enjoyed the beautiful view at the top."

哦,view 和scenery 都是景色的意思,不过, view多指从远处或高处所见的景色。Roger说,蚊子不停地叮咬他,让他没法集中精力享受眼前的美景。

Professor: That's right. Let's see if Roger is having any other problems.

Roger: Daphne, can we please stop for a minute? I'm really thirsty and my legs are sore.

Daphne: Roger, are you really that out of shape? We've only been walking for 20 minutes!

Roger: I know, but this trail is really steep.

Daphne: Well OK. We can stop and rest for a few minutes.

Roger才走了20分钟就累啦?难怪Daphne说他out of shape--身体素质差劲!

Professor: Yes. And the opposite of being "out of
shape" is being "in shape".

In shape就是状态好,身体棒。在远足时,如果out of shape, 就会像Roger那样,legs get sore--两腿酸疼。

Professor: Exactly. But Winnie, why does Roger say he is so tired?

他说,这是因为the trail--"山路"太"steep"--陡峭。

Daphne: Alright, Roger. Are you ready to go again?

Roger: Daphne, I don't think I can go any farther today. I'm so tired. Let's camp here tonight.

Daphne: But Roger, we have only gone one mile! Let's hike a little farther.

Roger: Please Daphne! I didn't know how hard hiking is. If we try to go any farther it might kill me.

Daphne: (Sigh) ... alright, we can camp here. You rest and I'll make a campfire.


Professor: That's right. Roger is not a good hiker. But Winnie, do you know what the word "camp" means?

camp, c-a-m-p,camp, 就是露营的意思。对了,Professor, 既然说到露营,那campfire就是露营时点的篝火吧?

Professor: Yes. Do you think Roger will like camping more than hiking?


A: 原来,Roger不是特别喜欢远足,他prefer to be indoors,喜欢呆在室内,而且out of shape, 身体素质不行,走两步就累得直喘气。而Daphne很喜欢远足,She enjoys the scenery,喜欢高处的景色。
B: Exactly. The view is so good on the top of the mountain! It also helps you to get in shape!

A: I just don't like to get messy! 我就不喜欢浑身是泥,到处都是蚊子包儿的感觉! 而且吧,我特别招蚊子,每次蚊子都先叮我!

B: Well in that case....I will definitely make sure to bring you next time when I go hiking! I'll save tons of money on bug repellent!

A: Hey! 真是个坏蛋! Well...although I'm not a big fan for hiking, I like the idea of taking a break when our bosses are not here....Bwahahaha...
B: Well, we are kinda lucky that we have an awesome boss! But Betty isn't so lucky. In today's business etiquette, she's going to talk to Gray about how to deal with a bad boss, let's see what they have to say!

礼节美语 - Dealing With a Bad Boss I

Betty 受了上司的气,找 Gray 抱怨。

F1-Betty: That's it!! I've had it! I'm gonna start sending out my resume tomorrow.

M1-Gray: Wow...I've never seen you this angry before. What gives?
F1-B: Pat just chewed me out for the third time this week! In public, no less! She hates me...and I think I hate her, too. She's the worst boss in history!

Betty 气哼哼地说,自己受够了 I've had it! 明天就发简历找工作。Gray 问 Betty 是怎么回事。Betty 说,Pat chewed me out. 原来又被上司 Pat 骂了。chew somebody out 严厉责骂。

M1-G: What happened?

F1-B: I printed my quarterly report on both sides of the paper. Pat doesn't like that because she uses the blank side for notes...it shouldn't be a big deal, but...

M1-G: So she blew up at you?

F1-B: Yeah! Pat says, "If you can't follow basic instructions, what use are you?" Then she launches into a 10-minute lecture while shaking her finger at me. What am I? A schoolgirl?

M1-G: Wow, that's not cool at all. Actually, I've heard from a few people that Pat's a bit of a hothead.

F1-B: You know, Gray, I'm not a confrontational person. I'm generally pretty agreeable. But no one should have to take this kind of abuse!

原来是Betty 把季度报告印在了纸的反正两面,不符合 Pat 的要求。Betty 觉得,it shouldn't be a big deal. 这没什么大不了的。可是 Pat 却 blow up at her. 对她大发雷霆。Gray 对她深表同情,说不少人抱怨说 Pat 脾气急躁。“a bit of a hothead”, 容易头脑发热。Betty 说,自己不爱吵架, not confrontational, c-o-n-f-r-o-n-t-a-t-i-o-n-a-l, 但是没有人该受这种气,no one should take this kind of abuse.

M1-G: Excuse me, Betty. Hey, Terry...come over here for a second. Betty, this is my friend Terry. Terry works for our company's Human Resources Department. He might have some ideas for you.

M2-T: Hello Betty, nice to meet you. Hi, Gray. So what's up?

F1-G: Betty's boss, Pat Noonan, is giving her a hard time. Betty's thinking of quitting if she can't figure something out.

M2-T: Ah...the old nasty boss dilemma. Let me give it to you straight. Pat also supervises my department. So filing a complaint against her will probably get you nowhere.

F1-B: So I'm doomed. I guess I'll start looking for a new job.

在人事部 Human Resources Department 工作的 Terry 刚好路过,Gray 向他征求意见。Gray 说,Betty's boss is giving her a hard time. To give someone a hard time, 意思是跟某人过不去,让他日子不好过。 Terry 回答说,Let me give it to you straight. 意思说“直话直说”。 因为人事部门也归 Pat 管,So filing a complaint against her will probably get you nowhere. 因此对她投诉恐怕没用。get you nowhere 是没用的意思。Betty 听后很沮丧地说,So I'm doomed. d-o-o-m-e-d, 那我没救了。Terry 还有更好的建议吗?我们下次继续介绍。

A: 原来Pat脾气暴躁,she's a bit of a hothead, 容易头脑发热,经常blow up at her employees, 对手下大发雷霆。Betty觉得自己not confrontational, 不爱吵架,不过自己也不该受这种气。

B: Yeah, I agree with Betty. No one should take this kind of abuse. I used to have a bad boss when I was working in college, he actually told me the only reason that he kept me on the job was because he didn't have the time to find someone else!

A: 哇,这也不是个省油的灯! So how did you deal with this?

B:I mean, he couldn't do anything to me, so I just kept my head down and did my job. I think you can also talk with the higher-ups or the human resources department if things get really ugly.

A: 或者换个公司也行! Gary也还在给Betty出主意,咱们接着去听
礼节美语--Dealing With a Bad Boss Part--II

Betty 在上司 Pat 那儿受了气,同事 Gray 和人事部的 Terry 给她出谋划策。Betty 说自己没救了,准备换工作。

M2-T: Not so fast. Maybe what's needed here is a fresh approach. Let's start with Pat. Why is she mean?

M-1G: Um...because she's not a very nice person?

M2-T: Maybe...but maybe she has a hard time dealing with stress. Did you know Pat's division has been losing money this quarter? She's getting a lot of flack from the board of directors.

F1-B: So you're saying perhaps she is not really mad at me?

M2-T: Could be. For all we know, she has some personal issue that's troubling her as well. What we do know is we can't get rid of her, so we might as well try to find a way to work with her.

Terry 说,not so fast. 先别急,Pat 下属部门这个季度一直赔钱,She's getting a lot of flack from the board of directors. f-l-a-c-k, flack 批判。公司董事会给了 Pat 很大压力。Maybe she has a hard time dealing with stress. 也许 Pat 有些承受不了。不管怎样,既然躲不开她,就得想办法跟她搞好关系。

M1-G: Do you have any specific suggestions?

M2-T: I think Betty should have a chat with Pat. Tell her you think you need more direction and guidance. Tell Pat you're sorry if you haven't lived up to her expectations. Now admittedly, what you're doing here is employing a strategy.

F1-B: Yes, I think I get it. By offering a kind of truce and by being humble, maybe she'll change her tune and start being kinder.

M2-T: Exactly! How is your relationship with the other managers in your department?

F2-B: Very good.

Terry 建议 Betty 找 Pat 谈心 have a chat with Pat. 告诉 pat 说,如果自己没能让她满意,请她原谅,同时表示自己需要更多的指导。Betty 一听就明白了,知道这是一种策略, a strategy, 通过改变自己的态度,促使 Pat 改变态度。Betty 还说, 跟其他上司关系都不错。Terry 听后很高兴。

M2-T: Ok, so spend some time getting to know them better. It's good to have friends that will go to bat for you in private.

M1-G: That's sound advice. But of course, it's always a good idea to evaluate yourself to make sure there isn't some way to improve.

M2-T: Yep. That certainly can't hurt.

F1-B: But what if I do all these things and Pat is still nasty to me?
M2-T: Well, you can report her to higher-ups, but that should be a last resort.

M1-G: You could also consider transferring to another department.

M2-T: But you know, it's been my experience that 99% of the time, a little bit of effort can help overcome these sorts of problems.

F1-B: I think you're probably right. I'll give it a shot! Thanks guys!

Terry 说,It's good to have friends that will go to bat for you in private. 有朋友私下里帮你是最好的。不过,如果怎么做都没用呢?You can report her to higher-ups. 向上级投诉,but that should be a last resort. 但这是不得已而为之。当然了,还可以换到其他部门。

B:It's so nice we don't have to worry about this, our boss is awesome! I bet she will even go hiking with us!

A: 那你们自己去吧,我可不去!

B: Seems like we didn't learn anything from the class. Let me have a talk with you, 杨琳.....

A: 哎哟! 好啦好啦! 去去! (笑)

B: I'm such a great negotiator!

A: 臭美! 我是看在领导份上! 好啦同学们,这次节目时间就到这里。