
A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 大家好,我是Mike! 我来接替Kat的任务,从今天起我会跟杨琳一起为大家主持这档节目!

A: 欢迎Mike来到我们的节目! 我们一定尽力为大家推出更棒的美语训练班!

B: There you go! 好了,快来告诉大家咱们今天都要学什么?
A: 今天,咱们要去看看搬家有多麻烦,听听怎么申请美国公民,还要探讨一下雇私人教练到底值不值!

B: Relocating? You know what, we don't need to listen to the lessons, I can tell you everything you need to know.

A: 行,等会让你说! 现在,咱们还是言归正传,赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a word!

Learn A Word 1545 personal trainer

今天我们要学的词是 personal trainer. Personal is spelled p-e-r-s-o-n-a-l, and trainer is spelled t-r-a-i-n-e-r, personal trainer. Personal trainer 私人教练。随着人们健康意识的加强,Personal trainers have become one of the fastest-growing occupations in the U.S. 私人教练日益成为美国成长最快的职业之一。 From 2001 to 2011, the number of personal trainers grew by 44 percent to 231,500. 2001年到2011年间,私人教练的人数增长了百分之44, 总人数增至23万1千500人。For personal trainers, the average hourly pay is less than $15 and work hours are erratic. 私人教练平均收入每小时不到15美元,而且工作时间也很不规律。好的,今天我们学习的词是 personal trainer, personal trainer, personal trainer...

B: Actually I have first hand experience with personal trainers. While they can be really expensive, my personal trainer help me to get in the best shape of my life.

A: 哦? 真有那么灵? 那你的私人教练都让你干了什么?

B: Like now I eat four meals a day, and I have my big meals earlier in the day, aka my breakfast and lunch, and I eat a lot of protein and vegetables.

A: 怎么听起来像减肥教练? 不过看你这身材,是还不错萨!
B: 哈哈,thanks!

A: So you think it's worthwhile to hire a personal trainer?
B: Definitely. But they ARE expensive, I could barely eke out enough money to pay my monthly dues.
A: 看来好东西,好服务都不便宜! 不过你刚才提到了一个很好的词儿,eke out, 咱们一起来学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms 976

现在播送美国习惯用语第 976讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Steve Baragona.


M:Eke out. Eke is spelled e-k-e, eke; and out; o-u-t, out. Eke out.

Eke 是个动词,意思是节约使用,勉强度日, 而eke out 其实就是竭力维持的意思。上面例子中,我室友每次都刚刚好完成销售任务。He was able to EKE OUT a few more car sales. 他竭尽全力多卖几辆车。下面例子里这个人选择里自己热衷的职业,但却难免囊中羞涩。我们来听听看:

M: My sister-in-law has always been drawn to helping the poor. Her job as a social worker, however, doesn't pay very well. She barely covers her expenses every month. Still, she'd rather EKE OUT a living doing what she likes than living comfortably from a job that's unrewarding.


我真是太佩服她这种精神了!不过确实是这样,如果你热爱自己的工作,那么工作就变成了一种享受。就像我叔叔,很多人出大钱想要收购他的农场,但是他说,他无法想像不养牛,不喂鸡的生活。To many people, he EKES OUT an existence. Yet he feels that he lives quite richly. 对很多人来说,他是在勉强度日。但是他自己却觉得生活特别满足。 好了,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "My sister-in-law has always been drawn to helping the poor. Her job as a social worker, however, doesn't pay very well. She barely covers her expenses every month. Still, she'd rather EKE OUT a living doing what she likes than living comfortably from a job that's unrewarding."

上面我们讲到了eke out, 勉强维持。不知道我们的听众朋友里有没有篮球迷?下面这个例子跟篮球有关,让我们来听听看赛场上发生了什么另人惊叹的情况:

M: Fans of the Daredevils have been rewarded with some amazing basketball playing this season. You see, their team kept looking like they were heading for another defeat. Then, they would somehow outmaneuver their opponents to win the game. The way they've been EKING OUT one victory after another, they may make it to the finals after all!


哈哈,我想他们的球迷肯定特别高兴!我不是个体育迷,不过我是个哈利波特迷!最近我刚刚看完了哈利波特系列的最后一部!太精彩了!不过你知道吗?这个系列的作者 J.K.罗琳曾经一度生活在贫困线上?J.K. Rowling was eking out a living while on welfare before she started her famous Harry Potter series. 她开始写作哈利波特系列前,曾经依靠福利勉强度日。好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: Fans of the Daredevils have been rewarded with some amazing basketball playing this season. You see, their team kept looking like they were heading for another defeat. Then, they would somehow outmaneuver their opponents to win the game. The way they've been EKING OUT one victory after another, they may be making it to the finals after all!

今天我们学习的习惯用语是EKE OUT,意思是“竭力维持”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Steve Baragona。谢谢各位的收听。

B: Speaking of eke out, some of the sports commentators thought China would only eke out a couple Olympic victories, but it turns out the Chinese teams are doing exceptionally well!

A: 那当然了! 我们泱泱大国,得几十块金牌当然是不在话下! 我昨天看了diving, 跳水,真是太爽了!

B: Wait...I thought you are getting American citizenship right? You should be rooting for the American team then!

A: 申请入籍?No! I am only applying for a green card, and no matter what, 我的心永远属于中国呀! But no kidding, even for a green card, there is SO MUCH paperwork to do! I feel my head is going to explode!
B: I can totally imagine that. In today's Go English, we will follow Amir to learn about how to become an American citizen, let's go and take a look!

Citizenship: Beginner


Amir 已经在美国生活了几年,在考虑入籍成为美国公民。他找朋友Susan, 打听入籍的手续。

Professor: That's right, Winnie. Becoming an American citizen takes a lot of work.


Susan: Hi Amir, how are you? I haven't seen you lately.

Amir: Hi Susan. I've been very busy lately applying to become a US citizen. It's a lot of work!

Susan: Wow, it must be very complicated. Is everything going smoothly?

Amir: Yeah, but there is so much paperwork to do.

"paperwork",就是“文书工作”,也就是填表格、写文件、做档案等事情。Amir说,在申请入籍的时候,要做很多paperwok, professor, 在表达这个意思的时候,应该说do paperwork 还是 fill out paperwork 呢?

Professor: You can use either verb, Winnie. They mean the same thing.

原来如此。对了,Susan 问 Amir "is everything going smoothly?",就是问“一切进展顺利么?” 对不对?

Professor: Exactly. For example, you could say that "Class didn't go smoothly because I did not do my homework the night before."

Susan: Why have you decided to become a US citizen?

Amir: My wife is American, and we chose to settle here in America.

Susan: Are you going to give up your Iranian citizenship?

Amir: Yes. It's too bad that Iran doesn't recognize dual citizenship.

原来,Amir 的太太是美国人,所以他们决定"settle here in America"--在美国定居。

Professor: Amir also says that he has to give up his Iranian citizenship because Iran doesn't recognize dual citizenship.

Dual, d-u-a-l, dual 是“双重”的意思。所以dual citizenship 就是有双重国籍。Amir 不得不放弃他的伊朗国籍,因为伊朗不承认双重国籍。

Susan: What is your immigration status right now?

Amir: Right now I am a permanent resident with a green card.

Susan: I see. How long will it take to become a citizen?

Amir: I'm not sure. Right now I am still finding all the documents I need. I will probably file my application next month.

Susan问Amir现在的immigration status--移民身份,Amir说,他有green card--绿卡,是permanent resident--美国永久居民。

Professor: That's right. How long will it take for Amir to become a citizen?


Professor: Yes, it can take a long time. And when is he going to file his application?

Amir说,他可能下个月就会file his application--提交他的申请材料。
Susan: You know, Amir, applying for citizenship is very complicated. You should talk to an immigration lawyer.

Amir: I don't know. That would probably cost a lot of money.

Susan: Yes, but if there are problems processing your application, the lawyer can help you.

Amir: Yeah, you're right. I don't want to take any chances. I'll talk to an immigration lawyer.

Susan 建议Amir雇一个immigration lawyer--移民律师,这样,如果申请过程中出现问题,律师可以帮他解决。对了,Professor, Amir说 he "doesn't want to take any chances",这是什么意思?

Professor: Winnie, when you take a chance, you do something dangerous or risky.

我明白了,take a chance就是“冒险”的意思。 Amir虽然有点心疼律师费,但不想take any chances---拿自己的申请冒险。希望everything will go smoothly,Amir能尽快入籍。

Professor: Let's listen next time to see what happens!

A: 原来,Amir的太太是美国人,所以他们决定settle here in America, 在美国定居,所以他不得不放弃伊朗国籍,因为Iran doesn't recognize dual citizenship, 伊朗不承认双重国籍,Susan建议他请一名immigration lawyer ,移民律师,保证everything will go smoothly, 一切顺利。

B: Sounds like the process is really complicated!

A: 对呀! 填一堆表,真头大!

B:Well, to look at the bright side, at least you don't have to move things around. Let me tell you, moving from Ohio to DC is not the most pleasant experience...

A: Uh oh...yeah, relocating is definitely a bit challenging, 不过现在,你能跟着名节目主持人--我--一起主持节目,你也该满意了吧!
B: O...k.....I'm just going to ignore you there... Actually in today's Business Etiquette, Vivian and Tom are talking about the pros and cons of relocating, let's see what they have to say!

礼节美语 Thinking of relocating

Tom 和 Vivian 是香港一家跨国公司的雇员。Vivian 被升职,要调到美国奥兰多的办事处。

Vivian: Hey Tom, got a second?

Tom: Sure, what's up?

V: The Company has offered me a new position. It's kind of a promotion.

T: Hey! Congratulations! That's great!

Vivian 问 Tom, got a second? 有时间吗?Tom 回答,What's up? 什么事?都是最常用的口语。 Vivian 说自己升职了。promotion, p-r-o-m-o-t-i-o-n. Tom 对她表示祝贺。

V: Well, yes...but the new position would require me to relocate...to our office in Orlando, Florida.

T: Oh.

V: I know you relocated here from Chicago, so I wanted to get your two cents worth.

Vivian 说的 relocate, 就是要搬到另外一个地方去工作,从香港到佛罗里达州的奥兰多。Vivian 说,I wanted to get your two cents worth. "two cents worth" 是指个人意见,Vivian 知道 Sam 是从芝加哥搬到香港来的,所以想听听 Sam 的想法。

T: Sure. Well, for starters, I went the opposite direction, moving from the States to Asia, so it's quite a different ball game. But I think the main thing you have to do is weigh the pros and cons.

V: I don't even know where to start. One "pro" is a higher salary.

T: That's always a pro. But there's a whole bunch of other factors to consider.

V: Such as?

Tom 说,首先,for starters, 他是从美国搬到亚洲,所以情况完全不同,a different ball game. 他建议Vivian 考虑一下利弊。利是 pro;弊是 con, 利弊 pro and con。涨工资当然是好事,那不好的地方有哪些呢?

T: Well...consider how you get to work here. You take the subway, right?

V: Of course.

T: In Orlando you would have to drive. Do you have any pets?

V: Yeah...I have an adorable German Shepard puppy.

T: It can be quite time consuming, expensive and difficult to ship pets abroad.

V: These are all good thing for me to consider. Anything else?

Tom 举例说,搬去奥兰多会带来很多变化,比如说要从坐地铁改成开车,把狗运出国要花很多钱。这些还是次要的。

T: I think one of the biggest things you might face is the change in the pace of life. In most of America, things don't zip by like they do here in Asia.

V: Even in Orlando?

T: It may sound like a big place, but it's actually pretty small. The city basically shuts down after 9 PM.

V: Wow! So many "cons."

T: No, no...there's some great "pros" as well. When I moved here, I met all kinds of new people and I'm now, as you know, in a relationship with a wonderful woman I met here.

V: That's a big pro.

最大的变化是生活节奏,the pace of life. 因为美国的生活节奏不像亚洲那么快,things don't zip by like they do here in Asia. Zip by 呼啸而过。不过,也有好处,Tom 现身说法,说自己到香港后结识了很多新朋友,女朋友就是在这里认识的。


A: Tom说,要不要搬到另一个城市去要考虑pros and cons, 利弊。在美国,要开车上班,而且最大的变化是the pace of life, 生活节奏,因为things don't zip by like they do here in Asia, 生活节奏不像亚洲这样呼啸而过。

B: I can definitely feel the change of the pace of life here in DC. In Ohio things are more relaxed, and people prefer to live at a slower pace.

A: I think that's a common thing for city living. Young people tend to live in cities, thus causing the faster pace. Speaking of which, how do you like DC?

B: 我很喜欢呀! I still need to explore the city, but with so many museums and cultural events, I think it's safe to say I'm going to like DC a lot!! 说不定还能碰上个漂亮女孩....

A: 这才是主要目的吧?哈哈! 不说咱们了,我们还是接着带听众朋友去听听Tom给了Vivian怎样的建议吧!

礼节美语 Thinking of relocating

Tom 和 Vivian 是香港一家跨国公司的雇员。Vivian 被升职,要调到美国奥兰多的办事处。她知道 Tom 是从芝加哥调到香港来的,所以向 Tom 征求意见。Tom 谈到利弊时说:

T: On a financial note, you'll probably be able to save a lot more of your salary and have more disposable income, as rents and living costs in that area are reasonable.

V: Yes. From a financial standpoint relocating makes sense, but I just want to make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot. Happiness is important, right?

Tom 说,要说钱,奥兰多房租、生活费用很合理,reasonable, 所以Vivian 会有更多可支配的收入,disposable income.

Vivian 表示,如果光看钱,去奥兰多确实很合适,make sense, 但是她不愿意搬起石头砸自己的脚,I just want to make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot. 因为开心还是很重要的。

T: Oh, absolutely. But Florida is a beautiful state with a nice climate. You'll be able to enjoy the beaches and take vacations in Miami!

V: Sounds good. It's just such a hard decision for me. I want to branch out and spread my wings, but there's so many "unknowns."

Vivian 说,她想扩大发展,展开双臂,branch out and spread my wings, 但是又有太多的未知数,Unknowns.

T: Yeah, I also had mixed emotions when they first offered me this job. But I have a favorite quote by the poet John Berryman that helped me a lot.

V: Which is?

T: "We must travel in the direction of our fear."

V: That's a great quotation. So let's say I'm leaning towards relocating. Got any practical tips?

Tom 用诗人 John Berryman 的一句话鼓励 Vivian. "We must travel in the direction of our fear." 我们必须要面对恐惧前行。Tom 还有哪些建议呢?

T: Yeah...do your homework. Get online and research where you're going. Learn about the history, geography, climate...etc. Then when you get there, you'll feel like you already know the place a bit.

V: How long did it take you to settle into your new environment?

T: I have to be honest. For the first 3 months I was pretty unhappy.
I didn't like the food, couldn't figure out the subway system and, for me, Hong Kong is a noisy place. But after the four month-mark, I began to feel much better.

Do your homework? 这是英语里很常用的一种说法,意思是事先准备。Tom 建议 Vivian 去了解一下奥兰多的情况。 Tom 还说,他刚来香港的时候,也很不习惯。你记得他是什么时候开始适应的吗?没错,四个月。

V: Now how does it feel? You've been here for a full year, right?

T: My one-year anniversary is next week, and I have to say, I've never been happier.

V: Thanks for sharing your experiences with me, Tom. I really appreciate it. You helped me clarify my own feelings.

T: Glad to be of help. Don't forget to invite me to your going away party!

V: I won't!

Vivian 谢谢 Tom 帮忙,Tom 说,不要忘记请我参加你的 going away party 临行聚会。

A: We must travel in the direction of our fear. 必须朝着恐惧前行! 说的真对! 这么说起来,我昨天真地不应该被一只小小的蜘蛛吓得躲在房间里不敢出来...

B: Haha, I'm terrified of heights, tell you what...I'll trade you, If you go skydiving with my friends this weekend, I'll squish the spider in your house.

A: 好,一言为定! 同学们,这次节目时间就到这里。 如果你想提什么问题,请发电子邮件到meiyu@voanews.com.

B: Also tell us how you want us to improve our show! Like, if you want more Mike and less Yanglin...etc...

A: Yeah, dream on! 大家也别忘了关注新浪微博,爱说英语的牛,收听更多课程!

B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!